Josephine James – Everything We Know About The Actress

Josephine James

Josephine James is an actress who is also known as Dian Shanklin. This is one name too many for an actress who is basically unknown. And who, to be brunt, writing about, is low-key punishment. There is painfully little information about her. But as you obviously care about her to come, we wouldn’t deny you the opportunity even at the price of playing investigator, genealogist, and creative archivist.

Here is everything we know about James Josephine

Josephine James – Age and family

There is no record of when and where Josephine James was born, but we may have found out who her father is. His name is James Shanklin. Josephine’s known surname is James while her other name is Dian Shanklin. Each of her surnames points to James Shanklin. It could be coincidental but we think not for two reasons:

1. He is somewhat of an obscured actor. If you take this to mean that only a somewhat actor than produce a totally obscured actress, we would neither admit nor deny. But if you think we have made our point, yes, we have.

2. Josephine James and James Shanklin have some sort of resemblance. Perhaps we believe so because this is what we are looking for but we wouldn’t overrule the resemblance because we would be accused of taking it because we expected it. They look alike period. Now, this is where the whole denouement becomes funny, we have never seen Josephine James.

Josephine was in her early twenties when she acted in the movie “Choke” from 2011. Ten years on, she should be in her early thirties.

What movies and TV shows have Josephine James featured in?

No TV shows that we know about. Only one movie, “Choke”. Please refrain from thinking this is “Choke”, the black comedy film written and directed by Clark Gregg, inspired by the 2001 novel, of the same name, by the self-described transgressional novelist Chuck Palahniuk, and starring Sam Rockwell in the role of the sex-addicted hero.

No, this is not the movie Josephine featured in. Her “Choke” came out in 2011. It is described as a movie about a businessman who gets caught up “in extortion, murder, and blackmail”. The movie was written and directed by a certain John Sjogren and starring no one you know of.

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IMDb listed up to fifteen actors and actresses in the cast. It turns out that Josephine James’ name didn’t make the cut. Here is a B movie which is the movie fr which you are most known and your name didn’t make the top 15 cast members. Names such as Paula Stevens, Robert Reiser, Beny Hafkamp, and Brian Dill made the cut but a Josephine or Dian in sight. Josephine James played the role of secretary in the movie so, even though her name is not featured by a third-party database, if you watch this movie you would see her. There are two secretaries in the movie so you may not be able to tell which one is Ms. James but you can be sure you saw her in the movie.

Where is Josephine James right now?

In her house.

Or anywhere thirty-something-year-old who used to be an actor when some millennial reads actors bios on blogs. Wherever, she is, we are certain she is not making movies. If she is, we Josare not seeing them because they may be more obscured than “Choke” which is a big deal. Our educated guess is that Josephine is retired from the industry and doing some other job.

Image source and comments: We got this image from Instagram off the page of a certain Josephine James who described herself as an actor and filmmaker. Honestly, we don’t think she is the Josephine from “Choke” but we can’t leave the featured image in this post empty. Won’t be cool.

About Chloe 110 Articles
I love beautiful women. More than that, I love writing about them.