Gangs of Lagos: A Pulse-Pounding Action Thriller That Delivers on Every Level

Gangs of Lagos

Gangs of Lagos is a pulse-pounding action thriller that will leave you breathless. The movie has been touted as one of the most violent and gritty crime dramas in recent time, and it certainly lives up to the hype. From the first scene, you’re thrown into the heart of the criminal Isale Eko underworld, where gangs battle for control of the city’s political power through their godfathers.

Gangs of Lagos explores the dynamics of political power, thuggery within gangs. The show depicts how these gangs operate like businesses, with hierarchies, rules, and political maneuvering. At the same time, it doesn’t shy away from showing the brutal and violent nature of these organizations, and the toll they take on both the individuals involved and the wider society.

The Storyline

At the start of the film, we see a young boy named Obalola (played by Tobi Bakare) confront a woman and threaten to kill her unless she hands over her purse. At first, she assumes he’s joking and refuses to comply, but when she sees a knife, she reluctantly gives in. As a result of this incident, Obalola is summoned to meet with the “leader of the streets,” since the woman is considered an “omo aiye.”

Owing to his bravery and intelligence, a gang leader named Nino takes an interest in him and becomes a surrogate father figure. However, when Nino dies, Obalola is left with no choice but to turn to a life of crime, along with his closest companions, Gift (played by Adesua Etomi-Wellington) and Ify (played by Chike Osebuka). Together, they start working for a callous and avaricious gang leader named Kazeem (portrayed by Olarotimi Fakunle).

Tensions escalate when Kazeem frames Oba’s friends for the murder of another gang leader, resulting in their execution. This unfounded accusation deeply angers Oba and his fellow street members, sparking a brutal and violent conflict that brings about widespread bloodshed and destruction.

Gangs of Lagos: The Positives

The show’s attention to detail is commendable. From the way different gangs dress and talk, to the weapons they use and the tactics they employ, everything feels authentic and grounded in reality. The Jade Osiberu clearly did her research, and it pays off in the show’s realism and authenticity.

Jade Osiberu also made sure that the violence is not gratuitous, but rather a necessary element of the story. It serves to highlight the consequences of the characters’ actions, and to underscore the high stakes involved in their struggle for territorial power.

The movie has also been praised for its nuanced portrayal of its characters. Rather than simply casting them as one-dimensional villains or heroes, Jade created complex individuals who are both flawed and sympathetic. This makes it all the more satisfying when characters get their comeuppance, or when unlikely alliances are formed.

One of the most impressive aspects of the show is its stunning cinematography and visual effects. The creators have made the city of Lagos a character in itself, using its iconic landmarks and distinct neighborhoods to great effect. The action sequences are shot with a kinetic energy that puts you right in the middle of the chaos, and the use of slow-motion and close-ups adds to the visceral impact.

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But it’s not just the action that shines in Gangs of Lagos – the show also explores complex themes such as family, loyalty, and power. Each character is driven by their own desires and motivations, and their interactions with one another make for some compelling drama. The show also delves into the history and politics of organized crime in Lagos, giving a fascinating glimpse into a world that’s often hidden from view.

What sets Gangs of Lagos apart from other shows of its kind is its intense and unrelenting action sequences. The fight scenes are some of the most brutal and realistic you’ll ever see, with bone-crunching blows and blood-soaked brawls that leave no room for a squeamish audience. But don’t be mistaken – this isn’t mindless violence for the sake of it. Each fight is expertly choreographed and serves to advance the plot, building tension and stakes with every blow.

The show also benefits from a talented and diverse cast, with standout performances from Tobi Bakare, Adesua Etomi-Wellington, and Chike Osebuka. Each character is given their own distinct arc and motivation, and you’ll find yourself rooting for and against them in equal measure.


Of course, Gangs of Lagos isn’t without its flaws. Some plot points can be a bit convoluted, and the sheer amount of characters and factions can be overwhelming at times.

In the barbershop scene, Kazeem meets with London while Ify (played by Chike) drives them there. However, after Kazeem shoots London, the situation quickly escalates. In the chaos that ensues, Ify finds himself in the passenger seat while another individual, who wasn’t part of the original plan, takes over the driving duties and hastily speeds them away from the scene.

But the show’s pacing and direction keep things moving along at a breakneck speed, and it never loses its grip on the audience.

Overall, Gangs of Lagos is a thrilling and well-crafted crime drama that’s sure to satisfy fans of the genre. It’s not for the faint of heart, but if you can handle the violence and the high-stakes drama, it’s a ride you won’t forget. With its strong performances, stunning visuals, and nuanced portrayal of its characters and their motivations, Gangs of Lagos is a must-watch for anyone looking for a truly immersive crime drama.

I will rate this movie 7.5

Image source: Google

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