Tag: Oscar Contender

The Two popes

The Two Popes: A Fine Film That Is Possibly A PR Job

The papacy is an intriguing subject for me. I am not a Catholic but I had always considered the Pope as the number one Christian on earth. When Pope John II the second visited my small town, I climbed fences, squeezed through barb wires and stinking armpits, scratched, kicked, and squeezed some more. All so ...


Marriage Story: Is The Oscar Buzz Justified?

We do celebrities on this site and our database is full of mentions of divorces. Mentions. We just mention that so and so has been married thrice and divorce twice. I have sometimes wondered why celebrities can’t just seem to remain married. And it is not an American thing anymore, the whole world is plagued ...

The Irishman

The Irishman Review: A Tall Order, Served With Rugged Brilliance

Today is not the day to ramble about originality and the lack of it in Hollywood. Most films in Hollywood you see today are novels adaptation such as this movie, or live-action remakings of cartoons, or new perspectives of a marvel character, or like this one inspired by a work of journalism, or sequel/spin-off, etc. ...


Hustlers Movie Review: A Fine Story Gone Dry

“Motherhood is a mental illness,” says Ramona a veteran stripper who becomes a criminal who uses her body to lure men, drug them and rob them. Sounds like a great concept? It is. More than a concept, it is a true-life experience of four women who made small fortunes as strippers in some of Manhattan’s ...

Once Upon a time in Hollywood

Once Upon A Time… in Hollywood: A Blend of Incoherence, Violence, and Class

The first Quentin Tarantino film I watched was “Django Unchained”. I was in the university then and the likes of Du Bois, Martin Luther King Jr, and Ralph Ellison were our heroes. Racism was one of the most popular subjects and we were united as Africans in our support for what our African American brothers ...