Why You Should Join The Wagon Of Money Heist Lovers

Money Heist lovers, gather here

In case you have been living under a rock in Siberia with no sound or visual allowed, you still won’t be forgiven for not knowing about the TV wave of the moment – “Money Heist”. Season four of “Money Heist” is out and the whole world, or a large chunk of the world, is talking about it. And everyone is watching it, except you. If you are wondering whether you should join the bandwagon of “Money Heist” lovers, the answer is that you should. And here is why.

It is one decent way to past the time

With the world coming to an end, and a large chunk of humanity in a lockdown or sort, and a sizeable number fighting the disease that must not be mentioned, with cinemas closed and films postponed, with sports postponed or canceled, it is easy to understand why people have turned to Netflix and TV shows. It is that or the boredom that kills. Yes, I have seen adults counting the spaghetti in a package, I have seen adults riding an imaginary car in their living room sitting on the sheets, and I have also seen some old man in Italy who says his wife’s troubles are worst than those of a disease that cannot be mentioned.

“Money Heist” to the rescue. You can binge-watch the entire three seasons so far then the fourth season. There are over thirty episodes in all.

It is a hell of a drama

As of the time of writing this, I haven’t had the time to watch the fourth season but I have seen the first three and oh la la, it is a hot movie up there with the best. The dialogue is refreshing (this quote from The Professor played by Alvaro Morte has continued to reverberate: “In this world, everything is governed by balance. There’s what you stand to gain and what you stand to lose. And when you think you’ve got nothing to lose, you become overconfident”; the characters are lovable, and the story arc is strong. In plain language, the series is captivating.

I have heard some say that season four is bulls, but I won’t take their word for it and you, too, shouldn’t. But they didn’t say one to three are bad so it is safe to start from those. When you get to season four, you can then judge for yourself.

You may finally learn some Spanish

A Korean language movie won the Oscar in February and some are yet to recover from the shock. But people who are still shock should take note of this – the English language Era is over. Here is a nail on the send forth box on the English Language with this Spanish offering. Mexican soaps are popular around the world and for many Americans who have ever watched any show in Spanish, it came from south of the border. “La casa de Papel” or “Money Heist” comes from Spain the original home of the second most widely spoken language on earth.

If you have been trying to learn Spanish — I used to try to learn French, then I tried to learn German and failed on both occasions, now I am only interested in bettering my English — then this series will inspire you and you would learn how to pronounce the words in real-life situations. The chances are you will never learn any Spanish, but you would hate to be told that so this TV show should keep your fantasy alive.

Become one of Money Heist Lovers because everyone is talking about it

While Money Heist has not reached the adulation level of “Game of Thrones”, it has its mass movement and it is not hard to see people who would ask you to compare “Power” and “Money Heist” or bring a bunch of “24”, “Prison Break”, “Game of Thrones”, “Money Heist” etc and ask you to rank them in the order you love them. You don’t want to say, sorry I haven’t watched “Money Heist” because you should have watched it. No one will listen to your dumb argument. This is an opportunity to watch the show, to join in the clatter.

You will do the right thing – for once.

Because you won’t find a lot of good stuff on Netflix

Now, this is a good drama on Netflix, watch it. No one knows when next something phenomenal would come out of this streaming giant. But you would point at “The Irishman” and “The Two Popes” as examples of the great offerings of Netflix, then I would take it as a duty to name thousands of rotten Irish potatoes for every Irishman you find on Netflix. You will run short of listening ears but I won’t run short of Netflix garbage in dozens.

If you still have your Netflix subscription, go ahead and watch this. What have you to lose?

Image source: The Buzz Paper

About Okechukwu 27 Articles
I write therefore I am