Mia Kang: Five Things You Need To Know

mia kang

Writing about Mia Kang was a challenge. But it is a challenge for a reason other than the fact that there are not many resources in the form of information to work with. Trying to categorize this post for one was a problem. Born in Hong Kong of Korean and British descent, with affiliations and residences all over the place, a fashion person, a model, a fighter who now shuttles between London and New York. Plus, throw in her Swiss passport and Japanese connections, you would see that there is no category that could just fit in. I have always found the category of supermodel a little too thin a veil to cover almost anyone, but for reasons rugged in the edges, this seems perfect for Ms. Kang. At least the super part of the deal.

Here are all the facts you need to know about the star.

Mia Kang was born in Hong Kong

Mia Kang was born in December 1988. She was born in Hong Kong to a Korean mother and a British father. She grew up in Hong Kong and England. But growing up was a challenge – she was too big and she was bullied for it. So she stopped eating entirely and not only lost weight, she became all bones. It was at this stage that some model scouting agency saw her, contact her, and she became a model.

Mia Kang took a break from her modeling to finish school, earning a degree in philosophy and economics from the University of Bristol. And she didn’t stop there, she went on to earn a master’s degree from the School of Oriental and African Studies in London. Finance and financial law.

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Mia Kang has lived and worked in many other countries including Italy, the United Arab Emirates, Singapore, and the United States.

Mia Kang contemplated suicide at a point

As a model, Mia Kang knew what the industry was. It could be hell with high demands and unforgiving diets. But one day, Mia Kang was asked to go on a liquid-only diet and she went mad. “At 27, the industry wanted me to look how I looked when I was 17, and my body was fighting.” And not just physically but mentally and emotionally. She fought but she went on to observe the diet and something in her died. She knew she couldn’t continue and she went as far as to contemplate suicide.

Then she decided to take a ten-day vacation in Thai. Thai days became weeks and her life changed forever. Mia Kang became a Muay fighter. And in her own words, Muay fighting healed the physical, mental, and emotional wounds modeling left on her. Muay fighting saved her life.

Mia Kang is a free model

“I find it ridiculous that I was always being referred to as ‘you’re too this or too that’ or ‘not quite this or not quite that,” Mia Kang told Self.com. So while Mia Kang trained in the martial arts of Muay Thai also known as Thai Boxing, she did not remain in the fighting industry, she crossed over to fashion and modeling where she began, where she was always told what to do and what not to do, what to eat and what not to eat, to do her will. “I’ll do whatever I want to do,” she said.

She does what she likes. She is a free model working in an industry that glorifies mal-nutrition and thinness. She wanted to make a difference in the industry, she wanted to do this with the same body that would have been frowned at by by model executives. And she does this. In September 2018, she walked down the runway of New York Fashion Week with a body far bigger than the size she was in when she was prevented from the runaway earlier on.

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Mia Kang is also a fitness instructor and a public speaker whose central theme is self-love and whose primary audience is women.

She is 5′ 10″

It is hard to say for sure what Mia Kang body weighs at the time of writing this. Many blogs with stats and body in their domain put her weight at 58 kg but we are not buying this. She is of a rather slender frame but at 5 feet ten inches or (1.78 m) plus those muscles she has built, there is no way she should be less than 60 kg. You would be on the safer boat to put her weight near 68 kg or 150 lbs. Of course, a 68 kg woman at 5 feet ten inches will always look less chubby than her counterpart who is just 5 feet five inches.

The fifth thing to know is that Mia Kang is single and probably searching. And she is likely worth millions of dollars. She lives in New York City and has a huge Pokemon obsession.

Image source: Twitter

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