KC Ejelonu: Five Things You Need To Know

KC Ejelonu

Kelechi Abiodun Ejelonu whom you know as KC Ejelonu whom you first saw in Heroes and Zeroes or Shuga and fell in love with her Kamalitha character is one of the biggest rising stars in Nollywood. Born on 2nd January 1986, in Lagos, the star is gradually carving a niche for herself. Here are five facts you need to know about the actress.

1. KC Ejelonu is a returnee

Born in Lagos, KC Ejelonu left Nigeria for the UK aged four where she lived the remainder of her teenage life and matured into adulthood. She got her degrees there, earning a degree in Business Administration from the University of Bedfordshire and a master’s in International Marketing from the University of Coventry. After graduation, KC Ejelonu worked for a couple of years in the UK. She worked with the famous Barclays Bank in London for over a year. She left the bank in 2010.

Barclays Bank is not her first job as the actress first earned a living aged 16.

Her whole family is still in the United Kingdom. “It was a hard decision to take,” the actress admitted in an interview with Showtime People. But it was a decision that has so far favored her.

2. She failed to break into the British movie Industry

While KC loves Nigeria, her decision to come home to pursue her dream career in acting is not all that romantic. There is a heap of practically somewhere in the background. She went for auditions and faced Herculean suggestions which might have worked for a random native. On one occasion, for instance, they asked her to lose weight in order to play a character. No problem except for the little problem that she would look ill if she lost so much weight. She said no and lost the role.

“It will take years for a black actor to break even in the UK,” she concluded.

3. KC Ejelonu Is Lonely

Not romantically. She is alone in Nigeria as all her family is in the UK and she misses them a lot. Romantically, too, she might be lonely. In all are known interviews to date, KC Ejelonu has always said she was single. She has had her share of boyfriends and lovers and a good dose of heartache to go with it. There is no record as to whether she has found love yet. This is what she expects from her future man, just in case.

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“He doesn’t have to be tall or dark or something, all that is rubbish. I want someone who is God-fearing and educated because I need that person to motivate me. I want to learn new things from that person. I need someone who will love his family.”

Does this sound like you in the remotest way? Well, keep the hope fire alive. She might be taken, she might be lonely in that aspect.

4. She is simple

No, KC Ejelonu is not the cleavage-revealing, bikini-wearing kind of actress. There are curves, no doubt. There are fresh, but she is not crazy about showing anything. The half-Yoruba, half-Scottish Igbo girl keeps a low profile in that aspect. And you won’t find her in a club. When she is not at work which she admitted she was married to, she would most likely be found at home, cooking. When she does go out, don’t be surprised to see her without makeup. Material things, designers and all do not appeal to her. Holidaying, Disney Land, Dubai, all, does not keep her awake at night.

She has one vice, however, she is crazy for earrings. “I feel naked if I step out without my earrings,” she told Pulse in an Interview. “I don’t know what it is but I don’t need makeup as long as I have my earrings.”

Ears too matter

Celebrities and fashion make a funny pair. Noble Igwe likes singlet, Lota Chukwu is crazy about shoes. Here is one who is an earring freak.

5. The star once nearly lost her life

During her 31st birthday in 2017, KC Ejelonu shared on Instagram how she nearly lost her life two years before. It was so bad her request to God wasn’t to survive the bout. All she asked for was to be kept alive for just twenty-four hours so she could see her family. The doctors told her she wouldn’t make it to the airport. She made it to England. She outlived 24 hours, twenty-four months even. The actress did not reveal what the ailment was, but she is alive and making good movies and her fans are loving it.

Image source: AccelarateTV

About Sade 20 Articles
Sade is a contributor with a bias on Nigerian stars